Emi smiled at Thomson as she was sat crossed legged on the floor of their quarters, sorting through wedding invitations.
"... Is that everyone?" she asked, having previously read out the names of the people who they had agreed on.
"Yes, I think so," Thomson said, "Though remember I still need to see your mother and father."
She nodded, "... That's tomorrow... We can't go now..."
"True, but I'm just reminding you. When's your next appointment?"
"... The day after tomorrow. I think..."
"Did it go alright?"
She nodded again, "... I cried, but I guess..."
"What did you cry about?"
"... Just my life I guess..."
"Aren't you happy?"
"... It's not that... It's just my childhood..."
He sat next to her and cuddled her, "I know your childhood wasn't the best. But maybe the rest of your life will make up for it?"
She took the glass of her helmet away and kissed him. He kissed her back.
"... Maybe..." she said. He kissed her again, "... Well, probably..." Another kiss, "... Ok, definitely..."
Thomson grinned at her, "It's amazing how your answer changed."
"... No... It's amazing how my life has changed... Thanks to you..."
They kissed again.
The SF-2 docked with a ship in the Migrant Fleet. The one that Emi pointed to and said, "... That one..."
He took her word for it, and had to state a password given to him which allowed him free access. The Quarians left him through and engaged their docking procedures. There had been a moment, when his ship had been intercepted by several fighters, as was the primary security protocols of the Flotilla, that he had worried it wasn't the best thing to do. But they let him through and engaged the docking mechanism.
Emi led him through the corridors and passageways. It seemed a lifetime since he had been aboard. He recognised the layout of the ship. It was the one he had served on when he had helped the Admiralty Board deal with some rogue Geth. He, however, had forgotten his way.
Emi had not. She practically pulled him through the ship, past the Quarian trading floor where he got several looks from Quarians who, despite their suits, managed to convey a sense of curiosity about him.
She took him down a corridor to what appeared to be a living area, then lifted a blanket and ducked underneath it. He followed her, and was greeted by two Quarians.
"... Mother, Father..." said Emi, "... This is Thomson..."
"Hello Lieutenant," her Father said to him.
"It's good to meet you at last," her Mother added, "Emi talks about you all the time. Whenever we call it's all "Thomson did this, Thomson did that..."."
"I'm not Lieutenant anymore. I resigned. I kept putting Emi in danger so I'm no longer part of the Alliance."
"Yes," said her Father, "We heard about the 'dangers'. We're not happy with it. At all. She was shot. Shot! Do you know how dangerous that is for a Quarian?"
"Yes," Thomson responded, "I do. I was there. I took her to the Normandy's medical bay. I know how serious it was. I regret that she was ever put in that position. That's the main reason I quit."
"... We're here to invite you to our wedding..." Emi said, "... If you want to come."
"Of course we want to come," said her Mother, "We'll be there to support you and your family. It's a big day for you both."
Her Father grumbled, "I never understood the human concept of marriage."
"I guess it's to show you love someone," Thomson responded, "And I love Emi very, very much."
"... So you'll be there?" Emi asked, "... Even if he isn't one of our race? He's what I've always wanted..."
"We'll be there," promised her Mother, then she sighed sadly, "It was only a few years ago since you were here and reading that bosh'tet of a book of yours. Now you're all grown up with children and you'll get married..."
"... I don't think I'm grown up," Emi said.
"She really isn't," added Thomson, "She watches television programmes for children on the extranet."
"... I like that... Colourful, cute, fluffy... Tree?"
"Tree frog. It's a tree frog, not just a tree," said Thomson.
"... I like it. It's cute... It has big red eyes..."
Her Father suddenly spoke, "If you want to stay the night, you can. It'll be a long way back to the Citadel."
Thomson shook his head, "I'd like to but we can't. Emi has an appointment to keep tomorrow and we'll have to get up early. The kids are waiting back in the ship entertained by the Tree Frog. We should get back. It's been nice to meet you, and I'll see you both at the wedding, I guess."
Emi dreamed. Keelah, she dreamed. Ever since her mind had been touched by the Reapers, she had dreamed.
Less like dreams, more like visions, really. She always always fully conscious, but she saw flashing red images in her mind. Some fast, some slow. All very hard to concentrate on. The more she wanted to find out what the images contained, the more they eluded her.
She made out vast cities, images of people belonging to a race she didn't recognise, technology she couldn't comprehend, but a reoccurring vision was that of a stone pillar. . A pillar with ruins around it. The difference between this vision and all the others, was the fact that it was the only one she ever saw as moving images. The only one she ever saw in detail.
On the pillar, there were letters carved into the stone in a language she hadn't seen before, but as the vision took her closer, they translated in her mind. "Walk among these works and know our greatness."
On the other side, someone had written "Monsters from the id", in a way which looked less like carvings and more like crude scratches.
She was about to question what it all meant when she woke up.
"Emi, are you ok?" Thomson asked from beside her, his arms wrapped around her waist, "You were breathing very heavily and you were whispering in your sleep."
"... I'm fine... What was I whispering?"
"You said "Help me". Did you have a bad dream?"
"... I... I... I..." the dream was gone from her mind, "... Can't remember."
"You should tell your psychologist about this. Maybe it's linked. Are you sure you're fine?"
She nodded, "... I think so..."
He cuddled her and she cuddled him back. They kissed, then she fell asleep again in his arms.
Emi went to her psychologist appointment, whilst Thomson went shopping for some food to keep on the SF-2. They were running low on cereal, Quarian cereal that is. He took his children to the Predisium, to tell him which type they normally bought. Emi was in charge of their food, and he was in charge of everything else. He refused to let Emi do much.
"Is this it?" Thomson asked them, "High fibre flakes for Quarians? Wouldn't you rather have... Migrant Fleet Munches? Seriously, they need better names."
"Get us the flakes Daddy!" they said.
He put their chosen cereal into the trolley and was about to pay when a large Geth unit crossed in front of him.
Unlike normal Geth, this one was red in colour and must have been about eight feet tall. A Juggernaut, if he wasn't mistaken.
"Thomson-Lieutenant," said the Geth, "It is good to see you again."
"We've met before? Wher- Oh. It's you."
Revenge nodded, "I got an upgrade. This Juggernaut had no unit inside of it so I decided to use it for myself. But we have something that needs to be discussed. Urgently."
Thomson shook his head, "I quit. I don't do anything dangerous anymore. If you want I can give you the names of some good Alliance officers. I'm sorry, Revenge. Things have changed. I exist to protect my family and make sure they're alright."
"Actually, I think once I've explained, you'll ask to join me. In fact, I'm sure you will."
"I'll pay for the cereal then we'll talk. But I'm not getting shipped to some random planet trying to sort anything. If you want something buying for you, or don't know how to work a cash machine, I'll be happy to help."
He paid for the cereal then sat down at a table with Revenge. His large frame looked uncomfortable in the relatively small silver chair. The children were playing with each other less than a metre away from the table. It seemed they were trying to assemble some sort of machinery - the Quarian part of them clearly coming to light.
"So, what's happening?" Thomson asked, "Are you ok?"
Revenge nodded, "My systems are fully functional, if that's what you mean. My problem lies elsewhere."
"So what's the problem?"
"As you know, Emi was indoctrinated. She fought the Reapers off but they must have left an imprint on her mind. About the existence of the universe, from the first atom up to the present day. But, specifically about an extinct race that lived about a hundred million years ago. A spacefaring race which had no name.
Now this is the problem. We have evidence to suggest that the race isn't extinct. That they've survived in the galactic centre for an extraordinary amount of time in a form of stasis. The thing is, I think they're going to attack Emi. To try and prevent her from telling people about them. Their existence is supposed to be a secret."
"An imprint on her mind... could it have some effect on her dreams? She was saying "help me" in her sleep last night, but she seemed fine when she woke up."
"We had put parameters in place to prevent things like this from happening, but it seems the damage to our network at the time corrupted the data. Emi's mind will have been exposed to things she cannot comprehend, or remember. So she is right, she was fine when she woke up. But every time she goes to sleep her mind will be tormented by images of the past. Of us, the Protheans, the Leviathans and this spacefaring race."
"Is there any way I can help her?"
"I told you that you would ask to join. We want you to go to the planet Junthor in the Armstrong Nebula, Gagarin system. Near the equator there are ruins of the race - mainly wind hollowed husks of arcologies and several large structures. In the centre there is a column, a pillar-like construction bearing some letterings.
Although it took centuries for Asari linguists to decipher it, we knew about it before. It says, "Walk among these works and know our greatness", and "Monsters from the id". I want you to go to the planet, nothing more, and search the ruins for information about the race. Although Asari have visited Junthor many times, I will accompany you and see if I am able to make more sense of it than they have. Right now, though, I recommend you go and find your fiancée. I have a feeling that she is not safe. I have arranged for a team to meet us there."
"What kind of team?"
"A good one."
"I'll see you on the Falcon," Thomson said, and ran towards Emi's psychologist meeting.
I love how many ASPECTS this fanfic has to it. :)
ReplyDeleteI think it's a really good way to get Thomson and Emi involved again, and I also think it's a good way to bring her into it. Plus, dreams? Cool. :)
I laughed at various points, too, which was also good. :)
Once again, good writing, and the new plot thing looks cool. :) Things also managed to slot around each other quite well, time-wise, I think.
Gtg now, so . . .
... did Thomson just leave his kids playing next to a table in a random place? 0o
ReplyDeleteReally, I get Emi is the most important to him, but still. 0.0
Also, nuuuuh, more danger...